Snice – Smokin Facemask – Face Mask
If mouth and nose mask to protect the community, then with statement! This washable and therefore reusable, environmentally friendly Snice – Smokin face mask is made of 100% cotton.
It can be quickly put on and taken off (simply stretch it around the ears) and conjures a smile in the eyes of many people – for a more chilly get-together!
Important Note: The best protection against potential virus transmission continues to be consistent distancing from other potentially virus-carrying individuals. Nevertheless, the physical barrier provided by the proper wearing of a community mask can provide some protection from larger droplets and oral/nasal/mucosal contact with contaminated hands. Therefore, individuals who wish to wear an appropriate mask should strongly consider the following rules: Masks should be used for private use only. The current hygiene regulations, in particular the current recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI, and the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA, should still be observed. Even when wearing a mask, the safety distance of at least 1.50 m from other people recommended by the WHO should be maintained. When putting on a mask, care should be taken not to contaminate the inside. Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap beforehand. The mask must be properly placed over the mouth, nose and cheeks and fit as tightly as possible at the edges to minimize air infiltration at the sides. The first time the mask is used, it should be tested to see if it allows enough air to pass through to minimize obstruction to normal breathing. A soaked mask should be removed immediately and replaced if necessary. The outside of the used mask is potentially contaminated with pathogens. To prevent contamination of the hands, it should not be touched if possible. After removing the mask, hands should be washed thoroughly (at least 20-30 seconds with soap) in compliance with general hygiene rules. After removal, the mask should be stored in an airtight bag or similar or washed immediately. Storage should only be for as short a time as possible, especially to avoid mold growth.
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